Friday, January 06, 2017

Reading Schedule for 2017 days 1-7

Jan 1-7 readings this year are:

Sun Gen 1:1-2:3; Ps 1:1-5:7; Lk 1:1-7
Mon Ex 25:1-30; Pr 1:1-18; Lk 1:8-17
Tues Nm 11:1-35; Esther 1:1-2:7; Mt 1:1-25; Acts 1:1-14
Wed Josh 1:1-2:21; Is 1:1-23; Mt 2:1-23; Rm 1:1-15
Thur IISam 1:1-2:11; Jer 1:1:1-2:8; Jn 1:1-5; IICor 1:1-14
Fri ICh 1:1-9; Ezek 1:1-28; Jn 1:6-8; ITim 1:1-11
Sat ICh 10:1-11:21; Hosea 1:1-2:7; Mk 1:1-20; IPeter 1:1-12

if starting the gospels now (50 pre-Easter weeks, 2 Easter weeks):

Sun Lk 1:1-7
Mon Lk 1:8-17 (through day 6/365)
Tues Mt 1:1-25
Wed Mt 2:1-23 (through day 17/365)
Thu Jn 1:1-5
Fri Jn 1:6-8 (finishing through 7/365 next week)
Sat Mk 1:1-20 (through day 12/365)

if continuing to land on the Resurrection on Easter Sunday this year (15 weeks before Easter)

Sun Lk 17:11-14
Mon Lk 17:15-21 (through day 251/365)
Tues Mt 22:15-28
Wed Mt 22:29-40 (through day 262/365)
Thu Jn 12:36b-43
Fri Jn 12:44-50 (through day 245/365)
Sat Mk 12:1-17 (through day 257/365)


Larry said...

Psalm 1
It's not that Psalm 1 presents, as one commentator described "an ideal righteous person." It's common to fall back on that when we notice that there are two categorizations in this Psalm, and only two. That kind of solution to the dichotomy this Psalm makes about everyone makes just about anyone who is honest with themselves ask, "what about those, including me, who are, at various times, righteous, and at various times wicked?" This confuses a category with its visible manifestation.

Not to be dismissed easily, however: of what righteous person, was it always true that "in all the he does, he prospers?" The same commentator says that this means that the person is always "useful and productive to the Lord." Really? Is there a obvious guarantee that anyone is always useful and productive to the Lord?

Anonymous said...

On Ps 2:7's "today, I have begotten You," what it very well might mean is God the Father's proof on such day, that it is the case, because of what transpires.

Larry said...

The problem mentioned in my first comment, "what about those including me …" is better to see for what it is, than to attempt to "solve" it, because to solve it we would have to grant its assumptions. The Psalmist is not, anywhere in this Psalm, asking or reflecting on anything about "me." It is so against our ingrained assumptions about a piece of writing, that it is supposed to be about me before it could teach me something, is a form of self-centeredness.


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