Thursday, May 14, 2020

Jn 1:29-51

The "understatement" that accompanies this passage regarding the beginning of the relationship of key disciples, including Peter, to Jesus is the kind of understatement that occurs in narrative: what happens is told, but the significance of what happens is left to the reader.

What is often the governing view is a confrontation / response model of the interaction of Jesus with His to-be-disciples ... which ignores this passage!  This narrative of the gathering of these disciples into the following of Jesus is based on a contrary model, cordial and respectful invitation by Jesus,  even invitation in two cases based on knowledge, even supernatural knowledge, by Jesus, followed by a response to that. Not to be ignored is the testimony of John to Jesus, which has a supernatural element starting it, as well.

What is common to both John's testimony to Jesus, and the disciples' testimony to Jesus, in this passage, is the divine providence and the divine initiative provoking the recognition and the following of Jesus, using the relationship and events that both John and his disciples, and Jesus Himself, participated in.

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