Tuesday, July 19, 2011

New Year: 1 Kings 3-4 for Apr 7

The narrative leaves it to us to notice the difference between father and son literarily, in 1 Kings 3-4.

Are there psalms "of wisdom," displaying wisdom, reflecting wisdom on the part of the writer? Sure, but not explicitly so, like the introduction to Proverbs promises. Isn't that the nature of the case, that is, one difference between a person's prayers and a person's wisdom? How much wisdom does God require in order to seek Him, pray to Him, ask Him, beg Him, rejoice in His presence?

David did not become famous among the nations of his contemporary world because of his prayers. His contemporaries had their own religion and doubtless looked upon David's prayers to his God as the prayers to a national deity. But 1 K 4:29-34 describes something that attracted the nations. Proverbs, songs, science, wisdom, riches, and honor.

Can we call this gift great, and yet also call it second tier? Looking at the summary of Solomon's spirituality in 1 Kings 3:3, it would be appropriate to limit the praise of Solomon somehow. The Lord's illustration of Solomon is positive and wide, saying that wisdom greater than the wisdom of Solomon is there with Him (Mt 12:42). The superlative is reserved for Solomon's "glory," i.e., his outward glory, which Jesus puts second to that of the lilies of the field (Mt 6:29).

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