Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Week 40 of 2019 in OT, NT

In reading coverage, for the Old Testament, that's Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, and Isaiah 1-4 or so, and we can break that into seven days as follows:

Oct       1      Eccl  1,2,3
Oct       2      Eccl  3,4,5,6
Oct       3      Eccl  7,8,9,10
Oct       4      Eccl 10,11,12, Song 1, 2
Oct       5      Song 2,3,4,5,6
Oct       6      Song 7,8, Is 1
Oct       7      Is       2,3,4,(5)

For the New Testament, that's Galatians 2-6 and Ephesians 1-2 or so, and we can break that into seven days as follows:

Oct       1      Gal 2,3
Oct       2      Gal 3
Oct       3-4   Gal 4,5
Oct       5       Gal 5,6
Oct       6       Gal 6, Eph 1
Oct       7       Eph 1,2

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