Sunday, January 15, 2017

Reading Schedule for 2017 days 15-21

Sun Gen 4:1-5:20; Ps 9:7-13:6; Lk 1:39-45
Mon Ex 26:31-28:5; Pr 2:1-19; Lk 1:46-58
Tues Nm 13:1-14:19; Esther 3:12-5:14; Mt 4:5-16; Acts 2:14-28
Wed Josh 4:19-6:11; Is 2:12-3:15; Mt 4:17-25; Rm 2:1-16
Thur IISam 3:26-5:12; Jer 3:1-4:2; Jn 1:14-23; IICor 2:5-3:11
Fri ICh 1:17-23; Ezek 3:22-5:4; Jn 1:24-28; ITim 2:1-15
Sat ICh 12:16-14:2; Hosea 4:1-19; Mk 1:35-45; IPeter 2:1-12

if started the gospels with day 1, now 48th week before Resurrection chapters:

Sun Lk 1:39-45
Mon Lk 1:46-58 (through day 20/365)
Tues Mt 4:5-16
Wed Mt 4:17-25 (through day 31/365)
Thu Jn 1:14-23
Fri Jn 1:24-28 (through day 14/365)
Sat Mk 1:35-45 (through day 26/365)

if continuing to land on the Resurrection on Easter Sunday this year (13weeks before Easter)

Sun Lk 18:18-27
Mon Lk 18:28-34 (through day 265/365)
Tues Mt 23:16-26
Wed Mt 23:27-36 (through day 276/365)
Thu Jn 13:21-30
Fri Jn 13:31-38 (through day 259/365)
Sat Mk 12:28-44 (through day 271/365)

1 comment:

Larry said...

Proverbs 2. Ever noticed how Proverbs 2 compliments Psalms 1, in saying God is the great benefactor to the righteous (Ps 1:6), the godly ones (Pr 2:8). In both those verses God Himself does things; and in both chapters the blessings (Ps 1:3) and the character qualities (Pr 2:11-12) are positive agents in their lives.


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