Friday, January 28, 2011

New Year: Ex 38-40 for Jan 28

The Old Testament idea of "calling by name" (Ex 35:30) applies to Bezalel. However, Bezalel is not God's automaton, but is described in the next verse: "He [God] has filled him [Bezalel] with the Spirit of God in wisdom, in understanding and in knowledge and in all craftsmanship." The calling of a man by name, on God's part, does not empty the man, but fills him with what is needed "to make designs for working ...." (35:32). Bezalel continues in our chapters: starting all the way back from 36:8, he continues without even being mentioned by name through the rest of 36. He is mentioned at 37:1, but not at 38:1, where we begin.... "Then he made ... then he made ...", summarized in 38:22-23.

Oholiab the engraver, workman, and weaver, continues with the priestly garments in 39:2ff. The two work together, presumably, when the text goes from mostly "he made" to mostly "they made." It is eventually broader than that: "the sons of Israel did according to all that the LORD had commanded Moses; so they did." People should remember that verse, Ex. 39:32. In characteristic biblical fashion, the text just says "So Moses blessed them" (39:43).

The sequence that followed everything being set up correctly was the presence of the LORD, continuously, for one time only? No, "throughout all their journeys" (40:38). When things are correctly specified "just as the LORD had commanded," (39:43), not only does the LORD bless them, but the blessing goes on into the years (40:38).

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